Last night I decided to look into
the basics of Android app development. I
downloaded the Android studio and went through getting the simulator to
run. I then explored the basics by changing
the textview text with a button click. This exercise had me learning, creation
of UI elements in the xml, visual and java environments. And responding to a
action made upon an item, the click for a button a really important thing to
know how to do. So all told I spent about 3 hours and was very pleased to come so
far. My iOS app development and java knowledge made it go much faster and
smother than I feared.
This morning I spent another hour
and a half, making imageview move in response to touch. Eventually getting the
touch method out of the main activity and creating a custom imageView that handled
its own touch events.
Overall I have to say I am pleased
with how fast it went and will be exploring more of it. I have thought about
making an Android version of HexagonApp.